Shopper Marketing Minute: Technology & Shopper Engagement

AI, AR, VR, QR, livestreaming, in-store robots, beacons and more. All technology solutions all developing at a rapid rate with a goal of driving shopper engagement, consideration, and conversion along the path to purchase.

For CPGs, all of the new technology presents 2 key challenges:

1. Keeping up with technology advancements.

2. Knowing when it is time start adding a new technology into the marketing mix.

To keep up, it is imperative CPGs have dedicated human resources who are subject matter experts – internal or at the agency level.

From a marketing perspective, brands need to be an early adopter and allocate budget dollars to do test and learns.

Yes, you might fail a few times, but most market leaders are okay with this as long as they hit a few home runs too.

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Until next time thanks for watching.

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