5 star ratings & reviews drive sales conversions

Ratings & Reviews are #1 in Driving Consumer Purchase Decisions

♫ Might as well admit it I’m addicted to…RATINGS & REVIEWS! ♬ Aren’t you?  If so, you are among the vast majority of consumers (99.75%) who consult Ratings and Reviews when shopping online or pre-planning shopping trips before purchasing a product. (I need to meet the 0.25% who don’t use reviews! 😊) How important are […]

Coors beer near-pack, gift with purchase program

The Lost Art of Near-Pack Gift Programs

I was in my local LCBO liquor store over the weekend and noticed a display featuring a Coors beer near-pack gift with purchase (GWP) program. Coors was offering shoppers a free cowboy hat with the purchase of two 6 packs of beer as part of sponsorship program with the popular Boots and Hearts — Canada’s […]

Printed flyers in Quebec impacted by shutting down of Publisac

Grocery Shoppers Moving to Digital Flyers as Readership Increases by 20%

Printed flyers, often found in mailboxes, rolled-up in elastic bands on doorsteps, or tucked within the pages of our community newspapers, are a familiar sight, offering shoppers discounts and promotions on grocery products from local supermarkets. In Canada, the distribution of printed flyers has historically served as a significant promotional strategy for retailers and CPG […]


QR Codes Are Changing the Way CPG Engage Shoppers in Grocery Stores

“SCAN ME!” These two short words are enhancing shopping experiences with Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) brands in grocery stores every day. The reason? There’s a growing trend among CPG brands to incorporate QR codes into their product packaging, point-of-sale materials, displays, and shelf advertising.In fact, according to the 2023 Bitly QR Code Trends Report, QR […]

sales promotion

IOGO Promotion Puts a Twist on Gift with Purchase Programs

As I was completing my weekly online store check on Shelfgram this morning, the pictured IOGO yogurt aisle blade sign grabbed my attention. Initially, the blade’s design with its well-balanced blend of colours and big, bold $10,000 call-to-action attracted me to read more. The same way, I suspect, it catches the attention of a shopper […]

Shopper Digitial Media ad spend in Canada is on the rise

Growth in Shopper Digital Media: Exploring the Dynamics of RMN vs. RAMP

The digital advertising landscape in Canada is witnessing remarkable growth within Retail Media Networks (RMN). According to IAB Canada, RMNs in Canada continue to grow with projections for 2024 indicating ad spend will reach $3.15B in Canada representing 25.9% YOY growth. By 2026, it is anticipated that RMNs will command 25% of all digital ad dollars! […]

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