Shopper Marketing

Shopper Marketing Minute: Data Collection & Privacy

Shopper Marketing Minute: Data Collection & Privacy

In this episode I discuss the collection of shopper data and privacy. As a shopper marketing consultant, I deal with dozens of companies who collect data from shoppers who opt-in through mobile apps, contests and newsletters and then use the data to market to shoppers in ways that meet or exceed local anti-spam and privacy laws. But what should happen to companies who do not meet legal requirements.

Recently, it was determined by federal privacy commissioners in Canada, Cadillac-Fairview, the largest shopping mall owners in Canada, was investigated and determined to have broken privacy laws in 2018 for their use of facial recognition technology to collect images of 5 million shoppers WITHOUT CONSENT. Privacy advocates (and me) are outraged Cadillac Fairview were not fined even though they removed the technology and deleted files 2 years ago.

But what is most surprising, is shoppers attitudes towards the privacy breach with more than one person suggesting “it’s disappointing, but it should be expected in the 21st century”.

Have an opinion?  Let me know.

If not, see you next time.

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Shopper Marketing Minute - Shelf Media Innovation

Shopper Marketing Minute – Shelf Media Innovation

It has been a long time since I have seen any innovation with in-store advertising until I recently came across Tokinomo — creators of new robotic advertising technology.

The technology literally brings products to life at shelf with motion, audio and light interacting with shoppers as they walk by a shelf. Pretty cool. And it works — with an average sales increase of 200% even when brand are not offering a price discount.

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Shopper Marketing Minute - Will COVID Kill Holiday Shopping Season?

Shopper Marketing Minute – Will COVID Kill the Holiday Shopping Season?

In this episode I explore the impact of COVID on the holiday shopping season.  In the last few days, I have visited several retail stores and notice 2 things.  First – the back to school selling season has come and gone without the usual wall-to-wall displays of lunch foods, or school supplies, and the crowds of shoppers lining up for last minute shopping trips. Second – it appears Halloween has been bypassed altogether by retailers with no large confectionery, multi-pack potato chip or costumes displays.

COVID has obviously had an impact — so it gets me wondering if COVID can kill the holiday sales season too as some are forecasting.

My prediction…holiday sales will still thrive because the holiday selling season, which unofficially starts the day after Halloween is already in full swing.

I have already seen many grocery, mass and mall stores change over to holiday theme and merchandise and its only the second week of September!

As a result, shopping behaviours will change. Shoppers are going to start buying gifts much earlier and a key part of their shopper journey will include Ecommerce sites which will be used for pre-planning, checking product availability and searching for the best price whether they buy online or in-store.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Digital Media & the Shopper Journey

In this episode, I discuss shopper digital media and the importance of reaching shoppers with timely, relevant content throughout their shopper journey to drive consideration, inspiration and conversion.

For me there are 3 key things that drive success with shopper digital ad campaigns:

  1. Targeting
  2. Content
  3. Ad distribution

In terms of targeting, you must partner with a media company who is collecting insights from millions of data points such as online media consumption, interests and shopping behaviour, to enable brands to connect with their ideal audiences when and where it matters.

Second, content is key. Gone are the days of one-size-fits all creative executions.  Rather, brands need to deliver more personalized content to shoppers based on where they are in their journey.

Finally, it is important to work with a distribution company who has a dynamic ad platform who can serve ads hyper-locally based on triggers such as proximity to store, weather conditions and time of day.

One of my preferred partners is ShoperliftR who’s platform also features real-time ad rendering and the ability to serve ads with local area trade promotions which include the retailer name and address closest to the shopper.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Store Checks Interrupted

Shopper Marketing Minute – Store Checks Interrupted

In this episode I discuss one of things I hate most about being a shopper marketer — doing store checks. Full transcript below.

Today I want to discuss one of things I hate most about being a shopper marketer — doing store checks.  Who among us likes to give up a day in the office, driving around 1 city visiting maybe 5 stores, walking up and down aisles in the pursuit of shelf media and in-store displays to take pictures —  just to spend another day putting the pictures into a PowerPoint presentation to send of to your clients who may or not appreciate your efforts

Talk about an antiquated activity.

But now, “there’s an app for that” — called Shelfgram. Shelfgram aggregates in-store photos from around the web and through direct uploads which allows me to do store checks from the comfort of my home office exploring thousands of stores at a click of a mouse.

And, I can tell you, as a Shopper Marketing consultant, Shelfgram is an invaluable tool which I use frequently to gain category and competitive brand insights to share with my clients.

If it sounds like I am a fan of Shelfgram — you’re right.  So, check it out at yourself or download the app.

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Shopper Marketing Minute: In-Store Media in a Shopper Digital Ad World

Shopper Marketing Minute: In-Store Media in a Shopper Digital Ad World

In this episode of the Shopper Marketing Minute want to answer the question — is there a role for in-store shelf media in the fast moving, hyper-local targeted world of pre-shop, digital shopper media? Full transcript is below:

On the plus side, the majority of buying decisions are still being made at shelf and shelf media helps brands stand out when the shopper is in a buying mindset. Plus, research shows 34% of shoppers who noticed in-store advertising and 44% of shoppers who noticed a coupon put the product in their cart!

Those admittedly are big numbers and cannot be ignored…. BUT on the downside I find unless you are a big brand with big budgets, it is expensive to execute a national program which has me questioning the ROI. Recently a client completed a ROI analysis study which shows shelf media is effective, but only up to a certain point. As well, shelf media has not changed dramatically over the years. It is still a one-size-fits-all message with limited targeting capability.

So, what is the solution?

Take shelf media into the digital world.  Replace paper-based signs with digital screens. Allow brands to buy media only in the stores they want with the ability to optimize brand messages based on the shopping behavior of the shopper walking down the aisle.

Until then I will continue to recommend in-store media to brands, but for tactical purposes only.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Why I Love Shopper Digital Media

Shopper Marketing Minute – Why I Love Shopper Digital Media

In this episode of the Shopper Marketing Minute I  share with you why I love pre-shop, shopper digital media. Full transcript is below.

Back when I started in this industry many moons ago our options to reach shoppers were limited to using a handful of mass awareness vehicles with a one size fits all message.  THINK… national FSIs with cents-off coupons, retail flyers or in-store shelf media.

Now, shopper digital media allows marketers to target shoppers based on demographics, shopping behaviour, proximity to stores, actual purchases, weather conditions and more. And we can target shoppers at home, while you are on the way to the store and even in the store serving up relevant content to drive consideration and conversion.

So thanks to companies I have had a pleasure to partner with such as ShopliftR, Valassis, Checkout 51, In-Market and more who have made shopper marketing a much more interesting place to be.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Is the “C” Word Really Dirty?

Shopper Marketing Minute – Is the “C” Word Really Dirty?

In this episode of the Shopper Marketing Minute I shift gears from talking about one “C” word COVID and its impact on shopper behaviour to another — Consultant! For full transcript see below.

For some reason, when tell people I am a Marketing Consultant it generates mixed reactions from “What exactly does that mean?” to “You must be really expensive” to, my personal favorite …  “Geez your one of them?”.

Yes – I am one of them.  I am expert in shopper marketing. Hired to step in and help companies build strategic plans targeting shoppers based on insights that drive — here’s another C word — CONVERSION.

As one of my Clients recently told me — I am the ‘secret sauce’ to helping his team develop shopper marketing initiatives.

So if you are in need of some help send me a private message.

Until next time. Thanks for watching.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Impact of Private Label Brands

In this episode of the Shopper Marketing Minute, I explore the impact private label brands are having on national CPG brands. For full transcript see below:

Private label brands have benefited greatly from the early, panic buying phase of COVID seeing sales jump by double digits — outpacing national brands in dollar and unit sales. So, for me, the question is…can private label brands sustain its growth becoming an even bigger threat to national brands as we move forward?

In my opinion YES…for 3 reasons:

  1. Price — private label brands offer shoppers VALUE which is becoming increasingly important as household incomes decline due to high unemployment rate
  2. Quality – long gone are the days private label products were viewed as low-quality knock-offs of national brands. Now – many store brands are more highly regarded than their national brand counterparts.
  3. Investment – retailers are investing marketing dollars to promote their private label brands and build loyalty….and it’s working. Research shows store brands are a key reason many shoppers choose a particular retailer to shop at.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Product Innovation and COVID

Shopper Marketing Minute – Product Innovation and COVID

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I discuss whether or not the timing is right for CPGs to be introducing new product innovations into the marketplace during COVID19. For full transcript see below:

I’m interested in this topic because recently, I have read two articles with differing points-of-view. The first article indicates many CPGs are cutting back on product innovation, choosing instead to focus on streamlining the number of products they manufacture to increase the speed to market of core brands to meet the demands of shoppers. The other article was based on a survey that shows two-thirds of CPGs are actively working on product innovation today and they plan on bringing them to market as soon as possible.

My opinion — it is important for CPGs to deliver new products shoppers want based on changing food trends and to develop new revenue streams.  However, the two biggest unanswered questions for CPGs are:

  1. When will retailers be open to bringing new products into their stores?
  1. Will shoppers be open to trying new products vs. trusted, comforting brands?

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