Shopper Marketing

Shopper Marketing Minute - Changing Consumer Behavior

Shopper Marketing Minute – Changing Consumer Behavior

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I share what I think are the 3 most significant shifts in shopper behaviour that will continue as our cities start to re-open. Read the full transcript below.

Today I want to share with you what I think are the 3 most significant shifts in shopper behaviour that will continue as our cities start to re-open.

My top 3 behavioral trends:

  1. The accelerated use of online shopping
  2. The increase in pre-shop planning for grocery shopping trips
  3. The emergence of a Health and Wellness @ home lifestyle

So – why do I think these trends will continue?

From an Ecommerce perspective, despite the reopening of many bricks and mortar stores, online shopping continues to accelerate which indicates to me a new reliance on this method of shopping.  Next,  pre-shop planning will remain important to grocery shoppers because shoppers want to go to grocery stores less frequently and when they do go spend less time in store — so to ensure they get all the products I recommend the trend of making detailed shopping lists before a shopping trip. And finally, health and wellness was a growing lifestyle well before the COVID hit, but now that families are spending more time at home, the trend is gaining momentum which can be seen in recent sales increases of healthy foods, personal hygiene and household cleaning products.

What are your top trends? Leave a message in the comment area.

Until next time.  Thanks for watching.

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Impact of COVID on Brand Loyalty

Shopper Marketing Minute – Impact of COVID on Brand Loyalty

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I discuss how COVID19 inadvertently is causing the largest product trial program of all time and its impact on brand loyalty. Read the full transcript below:

There is no doubt panic buying in the early stages of COVID, caused serious product availability issues driving shoppers to buy and try new or competitive products for the first time. As the market calms, what should worry CPGs is 58% of shoppers intend to continue buying a brand they tried for the first time during the pandemic putting brand loyalty in flux.

So – what should leading national CPGs do about it?

Well – I recommend a very simple approach – SPEND!

Spend along the entire path-to-purchase — pre-shop, in-store and post-shop.

Spend on a mix of shopper tactics including shopper influencer programs, in-store media, price promotions, contests and loyalty programs.

And most importantly – spend to re-establish your dominance in the shopper’s consideration set and drive conversion.

Net, net — if you spend loyal customers will come back.

If you have an opinion on this topic, please leave a comment.

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Shopper Marketing Minute - Shopper Value

Shopper Marketing Minute – Shopper Value

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I discuss how CPGs can win with shoppers by offering both monetary and non-monetary value adds. Read the full transcript below:

Today I want to talk about VALUE FOR SHOPPERS because as food prices rise and financial pressure on families intensifies, shoppers are looking for value when they go food shopping. In fact, a recent survey shows 88% of shoppers are “actively seeking” a sale price or special offer in-store and 79% online.

So as a CPG company, should a price promotion or digital coupon be part of the shopper marketing mix?


But, I also recommend CPG’s surprise and delight shoppers by offering them non-monetary VALUE ADDS such as:

1. Provide easy meal solution ideas
2. Offer bonus points through a retailer loyalty program
3. Or giving them access to their social community to share their stories.

Net, net — value does not always have to equate to a price drop to win with shoppers.

If you have an opinion on this topic, please leave a comment.

Until next time…thanks for watching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Changing Shopping Habits

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute we discuss the impact of the financial crisis on grocery shopper buying behaviour. Read the full transcript below:

As unemployment rates soar to the highest levels since The Great Depression, many families are finding themselves in a financial crunch. As a result, shoppers must stretch their food budget to the max. To accomplish this, shoppers are getting into the habit of planning their shopping trips in advance by taking an inventory of what food is in their home and preparing a detailed shopping list. In fact, a recent survey shows shoppers are 31% more likely now versus pre-crisis to make a shopping list before they go online or a store.

As a Shopper Marketer professional, I am encouraging my CPG clients to take advantage of this trend and engage shoppers earlier in the path-to-purchase to drive conversion. Ultimately your strategy will drive your approach but consideration should be given to pre-shop tactics including digital flyers, shopper media, retailer loyalty apps and digital coupons.

If you have an opinion on this topic, please leave a comment.

Until next time…thanks for watching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Shopper Marketing Minute – Online Grocery Sales Surging

Shopper Marketing Minute – Online Grocery Sales Surging

In this episode of  Shopper Marketing Minute I discuss the emergence of online grocery sales during the COVID19 crisis and our recommendations for CPG marketing investments.  Read the full transcript below;

During the COVID19 crisis, online grocery shopping is surging with a 37% increase in sales between March and April. This makes me wonder why some industry experts are suggesting there will be a large drop off in Ecommerce grocery sales post-pandemic. For me E-commerce will be a big winner long term as shoppers become accustomed to the ease and convenience of online grocery shopping.

As a Shopper Marketing professional, I am advising my CPG clients to invest marketing dollars in 2 key areas:

1. Pre-Shop digital media such as digital ads or digital flyers targeting shoppers based on purchase habits to drive them to key retailer sites.

2. Creating content showcasing the brand on retailer sites and then utilizing on-site digital ads and search to drive shoppers to the content.

If you have an opinion on this topic, please leave a comment.

Until next time…thanks for visiting.


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