Shopper Marketing Minute – Shopper Value

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I discuss how CPGs can win with shoppers by offering both monetary and non-monetary value adds. Read the full transcript below:

Today I want to talk about VALUE FOR SHOPPERS because as food prices rise and financial pressure on families intensifies, shoppers are looking for value when they go food shopping. In fact, a recent survey shows 88% of shoppers are “actively seeking” a sale price or special offer in-store and 79% online.

So as a CPG company, should a price promotion or digital coupon be part of the shopper marketing mix?


But, I also recommend CPG’s surprise and delight shoppers by offering them non-monetary VALUE ADDS such as:

1. Provide easy meal solution ideas
2. Offer bonus points through a retailer loyalty program
3. Or giving them access to their social community to share their stories.

Net, net — value does not always have to equate to a price drop to win with shoppers.

If you have an opinion on this topic, please leave a comment.

Until next time…thanks for watching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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