Shopper Marketing Minute – Changing Consumer Behavior

In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I share what I think are the 3 most significant shifts in shopper behaviour that will continue as our cities start to re-open. Read the full transcript below.

Today I want to share with you what I think are the 3 most significant shifts in shopper behaviour that will continue as our cities start to re-open.

My top 3 behavioral trends:

  1. The accelerated use of online shopping
  2. The increase in pre-shop planning for grocery shopping trips
  3. The emergence of a Health and Wellness @ home lifestyle

So – why do I think these trends will continue?

From an Ecommerce perspective, despite the reopening of many bricks and mortar stores, online shopping continues to accelerate which indicates to me a new reliance on this method of shopping.  Next,  pre-shop planning will remain important to grocery shoppers because shoppers want to go to grocery stores less frequently and when they do go spend less time in store — so to ensure they get all the products I recommend the trend of making detailed shopping lists before a shopping trip. And finally, health and wellness was a growing lifestyle well before the COVID hit, but now that families are spending more time at home, the trend is gaining momentum which can be seen in recent sales increases of healthy foods, personal hygiene and household cleaning products.

What are your top trends? Leave a message in the comment area.

Until next time.  Thanks for watching.

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