Shopper Marketing Minute – Store Checks Interrupted

In this episode I discuss one of things I hate most about being a shopper marketer — doing store checks. Full transcript below.

Today I want to discuss one of things I hate most about being a shopper marketer — doing store checks.  Who among us likes to give up a day in the office, driving around 1 city visiting maybe 5 stores, walking up and down aisles in the pursuit of shelf media and in-store displays to take pictures —  just to spend another day putting the pictures into a PowerPoint presentation to send of to your clients who may or not appreciate your efforts

Talk about an antiquated activity.

But now, “there’s an app for that” — called Shelfgram. Shelfgram aggregates in-store photos from around the web and through direct uploads which allows me to do store checks from the comfort of my home office exploring thousands of stores at a click of a mouse.

And, I can tell you, as a Shopper Marketing consultant, Shelfgram is an invaluable tool which I use frequently to gain category and competitive brand insights to share with my clients.

If it sounds like I am a fan of Shelfgram — you’re right.  So, check it out at yourself or download the app.

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