April 2022

ShopLiftr cpg challenges

ShopliftR Interview: Exploring CPG Challenges from a Shopper Perspective

ShopliftR Interview: Exploring CPG Challenges from a Shopper Perspective

The consumer package goods (CPG) industry is facing many challenges with the inflation rate sitting at 5.9% and major supply chain issues both of which are key factors causing grocery prices to soar. In fact, I recently wrote about the now resolved pricing war between Frito-Lay (PepsiCo) and retail giant Loblaws, the latter of which refused to accept a price increase in product in order to “protect the people from escalating prices”. In reality, Loblaws was fighting price increases to ensure they stayed competitive with other retailers.
But what about consumers?
ShopLiftr cpg challenges

Image courtesy Viki Mohamad via Unsplash

Consumers are the ones facing the biggest impact of rising grocery costs with many families facing financial pressure leading to a rather dramatic shift in shopping behaviour.

Recently, I sat down with Genevieve Castonguay, Sales and Marketing Director at ShopliftR , to discuss the challenges shoppers are facing and what CPG brands need to do in order to stay relevant, top-of-mind, and drive sales in is best described as a volatile time.

Some highlights from our interview:
  • A quick example to illustrate the financial pressure being put on families. Back in December it was estimated Canadian families will spend on average $966 more on groceries in 2022 vs. 2021.  Today, that number is closer to $1,400. Add to this the price increases in gas & other goods and services and you can see why Canadian families are feeling the pinch.
  • Financial pressure is causing a shift in grocery buying. In fact, according to research from Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University in partnership with research company Caddle, 70.2% of shoppers are actively looking for promotions and discounted products when they food shop. Plus, the recent data is showing large increases in use of coupons and flyers with 53% of shoppers intending to use coupons more often, while 46% of shoppers plan to consult flyers more often (Dalhousie University/Caddle).
  • In order for CPG brands to stay relevant, top of mind and drive sales during this volatile time, I recommend any omnichannel marketing plan must include targeted programmatic digital or social media advertising to reach shoppers pre-shop to drive purchase consideration and get on the shopping list. Through the ads we must be able to reach buyers of your category, brand or competitive brands on a hyper-localized basis and ensure the messaging is relevant to the audience mixing the right amount of brand sell with local price promotions.

For full details, invest 6 minutes in watching the full interview.

About ShopLiftr

ShopLiftr is a digital ad technology company that aggregates and amplifies the largest collection of trade promotions, connecting shoppers with real-time, localized deals. ShopLiftr partners with the largest CPG brands and retailers in the world to deliver personalized digital advertising experiences at scale across North America.

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Shopper Marketing Consultant: 5 Secrets of My Success

Shopper Marketing Consultant: 5 Secrets of My Success

Shopper Marketing Consultant: 5 Secrets of My Success

Image courtesy Clark Tibbs via Unsplash

Five Key Attributes of a Shopper Marketing Consultant

Recently, several connections looking to make a career pivot asked me to share the secrets of my success as a Marketing Consultant.  For me it comes down to 5 key things:

  • Experience: I have expertise and a track record of success in developing B2B and B2C marketing strategies for a multitude of product categories (eg. CPG, technology) for some of the world’s largest brands. Plus, I have adapted, consciously becoming proficient in pre-shop shopper media and Ecommerce over the last 6 years as digital became a key component to reaching shoppers along the path-to-purchase.
  • Analytics: I believe analyzing data to gain insights is the foundation of any strategy. I tend to use a mix of first-party and third-party data from around the globe which provides a unique perspective on shopper behaviour while helping build robust marketing plans.
  • Creativity: I like to bring a fresh perspective to solving marketing challenges, so I ensure I am knowledgeable about all the latest trends and solutions in the omnichannel space. To achieve this I subscribe to dozens of E-newsletters, connect regularly with other marketing consultants and build relationships with key vendors and partners who help keep me “in the know”.
  • “You Before Me” Attitude: I am a partner who always puts my client’s needs first knowing if they are successful everybody will benefit. I accomplish this by always being available, adding value on a frequent basis and complementing internal resources with my knowledge base.
  • Passion & Enthusiasm: I love what I do, and nothing makes me happier than helping my clients drive product consideration and sales conversion.

Are you looking at becoming a Marketing Consultant? 

Let’s talk. I am happy to share my experiences.

Shopper Marketing Consultant: 5 Secrets of My Success

Shopper Marketing Consultant: 5 Secrets of My Success Read More »