Hire me, Aaron Richman, as a marketing consultant

Top 10 Benefits of Hiring Aaron Richman

Here’s a bright idea (no not the shirt :-0), hire me! Marketing agencies operate in a dynamic and highly competitive environment where staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. In this landscape, hiring a marketing consultant like me can be a game-changer. I offer expertise, fresh perspectives, and specialized skills that are invaluable […]

5 Exciting Insights from My Kroger Store Visit in Toledo Ohio

Toledo is home to the Mud Hens, Tony Paco’s, Klinger and my mother-in-law. So, whenever we visit, I love doing in-person store checks in grocery stores. This morning I did a store visit of the local Kroger grocery store. As I was walking through it, I made some key observations. 1-FLOOR MEDIA: For a variety […]

Caddle Social media insights in Canada

5 Interesting Social Media Insights Exclusively from Caddle

Exclusive Insights on Social Media Usage in Canada! I’m thrilled to share some exclusive research from my friends Caddle, brought to you by ME!   In today’s digital age, social media plays a crucial role in the shopper journey. These platforms are a primary source for discovering new products, shaping purchase decisions through influencer and […]

5 star ratings & reviews drive sales conversions

Ratings & Reviews are #1 in Driving Consumer Purchase Decisions

♫ Might as well admit it I’m addicted to…RATINGS & REVIEWS! ♬ Aren’t you?  If so, you are among the vast majority of consumers (99.75%) who consult Ratings and Reviews when shopping online or pre-planning shopping trips before purchasing a product. (I need to meet the 0.25% who don’t use reviews! 😊) How important are […]

Coors beer near-pack, gift with purchase program

The Lost Art of Near-Pack Gift Programs

I was in my local LCBO liquor store over the weekend and noticed a display featuring a Coors beer near-pack gift with purchase (GWP) program. Coors was offering shoppers a free cowboy hat with the purchase of two 6 packs of beer as part of sponsorship program with the popular Boots and Hearts — Canada’s […]

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