consumer insights

Ratings and Reviews Unlock a Goldmine of Consumer Insights

Ratings and reviews are a goldmine for consumer-packaged goods (CPG) brands looking to gain insights into shoppers. These insights are…

3 weeks ago

5 Interesting Social Media Insights Exclusively from Caddle

Exclusive Insights on Social Media Usage in Canada! I’m thrilled to share some exclusive research from my friends Caddle, brought…

4 weeks ago

Ratings and Reviews Increase Sales Conversion for CPGs

Dr. Oetker's pizza has 458 ratings and reviews on which will help shoppers inform an opinion on the product.

1 month ago

I am Aaron Richman – Your Dedicated and Expert Shopper Marketing Consultant

This is a story about the journey of Aaron Richman a Shopper Marketing Consultant in Toronto

1 month ago

Ratings & Reviews are #1 in Driving Consumer Purchase Decisions

♫ Might as well admit it I’m addicted to…RATINGS & REVIEWS! ♬ Aren’t you?  If so, you are among the…

1 month ago

Grocery Shoppers Moving to Digital Flyers as Readership Increases by 20%

Printed flyers, often found in mailboxes, rolled-up in elastic bands on doorsteps, or tucked within the pages of our community…

2 months ago

Shopping Lists help drive sales conversion!

One of the questions I get asked most often by my CPG clients is “how can we improve our sales…

1 year ago

Loyalty Rewards Programs Help Retailers Retain Customers

Canadian grocery shoppers love loyalty rewards programs! This according to a recent research study from Caddle that shows practically all…

1 year ago

Shopper Marketing Minute – Product Innovation and COVID In this episode of Shopper Marketing Minute, I discuss whether or not the timing is right for CPGs to…

4 years ago

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